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Washington State Wire is an independent nonpartisan news gathering organization focusing on Washington state government and the policies that affect Washington residents’ daily lives.
Based in Olympia, we’re a hybrid of original content and news links aggregated from other sources — sort of a sifting of the most important stories we see here in the state’s capital. The Washington State Wire has existed since 2009, but was relaunched in 2016. We’re still an independent, policy agnostic, and non-partisan outlet for thoughtful content about state policy, political economy, and regulated markets.
We want to give a platform for advocates to tell their best stories, for legislators to offer their clearest thinking, and for thought leaders to provide their most cogent arguments. We do that through content here, and our annual Re-Wire Policy Conference.
If you’d like to submit a guest editorial or participate at the Re-Wire Policy Conference as a panelist, please email

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