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Screenshot of Tweet from Rep. Laurie Jinkins, D-Tacoma, about International Women's Day.

Washington leaders celebrate International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was launched in the early 1900s to demand fair treatment and equality for women, and this March 8, it’s a day of protest and strike for many women across the country.

The Women’s March, an international event that drew massive crowds in the U.S. was held the day after the Presidential Inauguration. Seattle saw a crowd of more than 120,000 people, one of the biggest protests the city has ever seen. The march spurred on several subsequent protest efforts, including the Women’s Strike scheduled for Wednesday.

State lawmakers and residents celebrated the day by wearing the symbolic color red, going on strike or protesting for fair treatment in the workplace.

Though the day is often framed in the context of being a Democrat-leaning day, it’s something that GOP leaders also recognize. Vice President Mike Pence acknowledged the day in a Tweet.

Tweets about the day also showed up in President Donald Trump’s feed.


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