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small business

More Washington business owners couldn’t make rent this month

The number of Washington State small business owners who said they couldn’t make rent, or make rent on time, is higher this month than in...Read More

“Managing through crisis” – How the K-shaped recovery looks for small business owners

Amid reports that a “K-shaped” recovery from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is widening inequality, how do the different rates of recovery look...Read More

Small employers are in crisis with half saying they’ll have to shut down in less than 2 months without help

The NFIB Research Center’s latest survey on the current impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on small business shows continued deterioration of the small business sector....Read More

Q&A: Patrick Connor, WA Director for NFIB, on the 2019 session

"I think it is high time that Washington State does take a serious look at its tax structure and try to balance it, so that...Read More

“Fix Our Tax Code Plan” has public hearing

A substitute Senate bill that would make changes to Washington’s tax code, including the introduction of a tax on capital gains, had a public hearing...Read More

What advice did Governor receive on B&O tax cut veto?

There were many twists and turns during this year’s record 193 day legislative session. Perhaps none was as surprising or shocking than the Governor vetoing a B&O...Read More