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Sen. Joe Nguyen

Q&A: Sen. Joe Nguyen is working on a budget proposal that protects vital services

Persisting inequities have been top of mind for Senator Joe Nguyen as he’s worked to shore up social services and protections through progressive legislation. He’s...Read More

Bills clear their house of origin on Wednesday

Several bills cleared the House and the Senate ahead of Wednesday’s “House of Origin” cutoff. As each chamber moves forward in considering bills the other...Read More

Senate Bill 5811 moves from Senate floor to House Environment & Energy Committee

More than a month after passing in the Senate, Senate Bill 5811 got its day in the House Environment & Energy Committee for a public...Read More

Senators introduce safety net bill in third week

Senate Bill 6625, introduced Jan. 27, would provide a basic income for low-income Washingtonians enrolled in job training programs. The bill closely mirrors presidential candidate...Read More

Where Senate Dems’ plan to “fix our tax code” stands now

The bill would’ve introduced a capital gains tax and used the resulting revenue to fund several specified tax-relief efforts. But, it didn’t see any action...Read More