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Three Washington budget requests we’re tracking

Washington State agencies submitted their budget requests to the Governor’s office this month, documents which generally highlight their priorities for the coming fiscal year and...Read More

What health funding is buried in the legislature’s competing budgets

In the Washington State legislature, both the House and Senate have passed their versions of the 2021-2023 biennium Operating Budgets. Legislators are now beginning negotiations...Read More

Senate-passed operating budget would appropriate $59.282 billion for 2021–23, plus more than $6 billion in federal relief funds (over three years)

Yesterday the Senate passed its operating budget. As passed, the 2021 supplemental to the 2019–21 budget would appropriate $52.704 billion from funds subject to the...Read More

Republican budget proposal would drain the rainy day fund and avoid new taxes

Sen. Lynda Wilson, ranking member of the Senate Ways & Means Committee, has released a 2021 supplemental proposal and a 2021–23 operating budget proposal. The 2021...Read More

House Appropriations Committee reviews 2021 budget outlook

The House Appropriations Committee held a virtual work session on Nov. 30th in which Dave Johnson, a Committee Staff member from the Office of Program...Read More

Agencies outline spending priorities and potential cuts in operating budget proposals

State agencies and higher education institutions submitted their 2021-23 operating budget requests to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) last week outlining priorities for spending...Read More

Washington Research Council: Spending cuts weren’t the only budgetary response to the Great Recession

“The Legislature actually increased spending in the 2008 supplemental budget—even after revenues began to decline,” wrote Emily Makings of the Washington Research Council (WRC) in...Read More

Sen. Joe Nguyen calls on Legislature to reject austerity measures

Senator Joe Nguyen of the 34th Legislative District (White Center) has launched a petition calling for the State Legislature and Governor’s office to reject an...Read More

A cash deficit in the GFS is expected this month; could mean double-digit across-the-board cuts

The Office of Financial Management (OFM) estimates that the general fund–state (GFS) will be in cash deficit this month. Jason Mercier of the Washington Policy...Read More

Coalition forms to oppose potential long-term care budget cuts

A group of Long-Term Care advocates in Washington State have formed a coalition in response to potential budget cuts to services utilized by senior citizens...Read More