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Please Go Home

Article by WashingtonStateWire. Published on Monday, May 23, 2011 EST.

Wednesday, A Good Day To Go Home.

Wednesday is the day. The second day the legislature is to finish its business. Children, spouses and friends all over the state are hoping it works this time. Reporters and blogsters are ready to have nothing to write about. Events, projects, and life have been on “postponed” for thirty days. Why?


Is there more money to give out? Not really. Have situations of the need for some reform to our Worker’s Comp law changed?  Not really. Is there something more reasonable, or more reasoning about May that did not work or was not present in April? Of course not.


Why? It’s nonsense. It’s democracy. It’s a tolerant electorate. It’s nonsense. But here we are. Really, really hopeful this one will stick. The deals we read about are real, aren’t they?


There’s no pressure to hurry. I can’t recall a single incumbent who lost a reelection bid when their opponent reminded the voters, “he was part of the group that did not finish on time.”  That doesn’t stick. How about, “he was part of the group that spent $15-20K a day sitting there doing nothing.” That won’t work. How about, “she was part of the group of legislators who were down there until June futzing around, wasting time and money.”  No landslide in that message.


The voters must not care. So why hurry? Please end it Wednesday.

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