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More on I-502

Article by WashingtonStateWire. Published on Sunday, February 12, 2012 EST.

More For I-502

We’ve opined and whined here about our state and federal governments’ tireless waste of public resources to police the likes of Pot. No matter how many amendments the legislature puts on an alternative to I-502 for this fall’s ballot it still won’t be legal. I-502 nor any alternative (as provided by the constitution) will not MAKE IT LEGAL TO POSSESS OR USE POT, PERIOD. It still won’t trump a federal prohibition, a federal definition of pot as a controlled substance.

But do we really need a “mega study” to inform us that driving while stoned on THC is a major contributor to car wrecks and fatalities? Hello! No one should drive after doing drugs, period. Not booze, not pot, not Lunesta. If our society is going to recognize the right of citizens to do what they want, when they want, to themselves, you know, control of your body thing, we must recognize that when that right or privilege or freedom involves mind altering substances the citizens can not be allowed  to drive, or fly a commercial airliner, or operate heavy machinery, or babysit your kids, or vote for bills on third reading…you know what we mean.

Study here, see what the Brits found:

And the conclusion? “Conclusions Acute cannabis consumption is associated with an increased risk of a motor vehicle crash, especially for fatal collisions. This information could be used as the basis for campaigns against drug impaired driving, developing regional or national policies to control acute drug use while driving, and raising public awareness.”


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