Article by WashingtonStateWire. Published on Sunday, February 05, 2012 EST.
Way Beyond Whining
I have received a number of emails from Oly players claiming the mess in the Senate Ed Committee is an indicator of a toxic, dysfunctional caucus. The truth is it is more of more of the same. Maybe it is amped up a bit due to the messy budget that the majority party pretended would work for 2011-2013. But divergence is rampant in the upper chamber.
Look around, people. There already is an organized sub-group, or separate caucus in the Senate, the “Roadkillers,” and to some degree the same exists in the House — though in the House it runs back under the rock whenever the speaker puts down the hammer. In the Senate, Brown has her hands full, but her like-minded, left leaning, WEA followers all echo the union’s mantra, “Leave us alone, promote the old and tired, and just fund what doesn’t work. Trust us, it will work if we just get more money.”
McAuliffe’s statement on the caucus blog site this weekend says it all, and is an echo of an echo.
Folks, if it ain’t working, please try something else. Don’t just look for more money.
Back to the issue, a disintegrating caucus. Chatter about a change in leadership is just that. I have lived through a removal of a speaker in mid-session. With all due respect either due to changing times, technology, or something in the water; there is not the courage in today’s Legislature to toss their leader. They will whine, form rump groups, hold press conferences, but to start counting votes for removal… won’t happen. Just watch.
There is one thing that is going to happen. This rickety old car-of-state, with two or three drivers, is heading for the cliff at 80 miles per hour. The end of the regular session is going to come (and go) and the near $2 billion hole is going to be sitting there. One caucus, a split caucus, two caucuses, weak R’s or strong creative R’s…it will not matter. Taxes are going to go on the ballot, creativity will be smothered by “stay the course,” and this majority will go out for elections with its present leadership in place.
We have lost a good chance for serious reform and creative solutions. We will not lose the leadership that got us in this fix. Warp speed, Scotty!
McAuliffe’s statement here:
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