The Washington State Wire is excited to announce a virtual debate between candidates for Lt. Governor.
The event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required.
The debate will follow a nonpartisan and impartial format, with candidates given equal time to respond to a set of screened questions. The questions will touch on a variety of topics of interest to Washington State voters, such as the state’s public health and economic response to COVID-19, the candidate’s legislative priorities, and the candidate’s preparedness to accede to the governorship in case of a vacancy.
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM PST
Marko Liias
Ann Davison Sattler
Denny Heck (invited)
The candidates above were selected to participate based on fundraising totals reported in the most recently available PDC filings.
We hope that you’ll join us for a thoughtful, informative conversation between the candidates.