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Early results show Harrell ahead in Seattle mayoral race

Preliminary election results are in for the Aug. 3 Seattle and King County races.

In the Seattle mayoral race, Bruce Harrel is in the lead with 38.23% of the votes. Seattle city council member Lorena González is in second with 28.55% of the vote. Voters will decide which to elect during the Nov. 2 general election. These candidates also beat out a number of contenders, none of who received more than 10% of the vote.

The two Seattle city council at-large seats were also hotly contested, but Teresa Mosqueda clocked in first with 54.64% of the votes for the Pos. 8 seat, easily ahead her nearest contender Kenneth Wilson who came in second with 18.27%. In Pos. 9, Sara Nelson is in first with 42.36%, followed by Nikkita Oliver with 34.96% of the vote.

The city attorney position is also up for grabs in the general election, with incumbent Pete Holmes running to retain his seat. Early results show the race is in nearly a dead heat between the three candidates, with Ann Davidson in the lead with 34.64% of the votes, followed by Holmes with 32.80% and Nicole Thomas-Kennedy with 32.15%.

In the King County executive race, incumbent Dow Constantine is well ahead of his competition, netting 53.49% of the vote. State Senator Joe Nguyen is in second with 29.69% of the vote.

Three King County council seats are up for grabs. In Dist. 3, longtime incumbent Kathy Lambert is beating out Sarah Perry and Joe Cohen. Lambert has received 41.33% of the vote so far, while Perry is in second with 34.03% and Cohen with 24.05%.

In Dist. 7, fellow long-serving council member Pete von Reichbauer is well ahead, netting 55.60% of voters. His closest challengers are Dominique Torgerson who received 16.28% of the vote, and Lydia Assefa-Dawson with 15.85%.

In Dist. 9, incumbent Reagan Dunn is also beating out his opponents with 56.84% of the vote. Kim-Khanh Van is in second with 21.15%.

Countywide, Prop. 1, which would renew an additional six-year property tax beginning in 2022 at $0.19 per $1,000 of assessed valuation to fund support for children, youth, families and communities is passing with 58.86% of the vote. It only requires a simple majority to pass.

Results so far are very early, and less than 20% of ballots in each of these races have been counted yet. Results will continue to be posted in the coming days.

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