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2021 policy committee cutoff: what passed and who had the most bills

Between both chambers, 463 bills passed out of policy committees before the Monday cutoff. House policy committees passed 216 total bills and Senate committees passed 247 total bills.

There was in eight-way tie in the House for most bills passed as Reps. Liz Berry, Melanie Morgan, Sharon Santos, Roger Goodman, Strom Peterson, Debra Lekanoff, Gerry Pollet and My-Linh Thai all had six bills make it out of their respective policy committees. Sen. Patty Kuderer led the way in the Senate with 14 bills.

The cutoff for House fiscal committees and the Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees is next Monday, February 22nd. Democratic leaders say the week ahead will be loaded with executive action ahead of the next cutoff.

We probably have more bills in appropriations than we’ve had in a very, very long time,” said Speaker Laurie Jinkins on Monday.

Budget writers will assess how many bills they think can move. House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan said about 15 fiscal bills per day will be scheduled for executive action between now and next Monday.

Below is a committee-by-committee breakdown of the policy bills passed in each chamber.


Total bills passed in executive session: 216

Most bills overall: Berry, Morgan, Santos, Goodman, Peterson, Lekanoff, Pollet, Thai

Children, Youth & Families (10 bills)

SHB 1061Child welfare/dev disabilityH AppropsSenn
2SHB 1186Juvenile rehabilitationH Rules RGoodman
SHB 1194Parent-child visitationH AppropsOrtiz-Self
SHB 1213Child care & early dev. exp.H AppropsSenn
SHB 1221Homelessness definitionsH Rules RRule
SHB 1227Child abuse allegationsH AppropsOrtiz-Self
HB 1237Family resource centersS Human Svcs, ReeEslick
SHB 1325Behavioral health/youthH AppropsCallan
SHB 1354Suicide review teamsH CYFDPSMosbrucker
SHB 1451ECEAP entitlement dateH CYFDPSSullivan

Most bills: Senn & Ortiz-Self (Tie – 2)

Civil Rights & Judiciary (22 bills)

HB 1042Child custody/internationalS Law & JusticeThai
HB 1072Civil legal aid funds/useH Passed 3rdLekanoff
SHB 1088Impeachment disclosuresS Law & JusticeLovick
ESHB 1108Foreclosure assistanceS Business, FinanOrwall
SHB 1140Juvenile access to attorneysH AppropsJohnson, J.
HB 1167Thurston superior courtH AppropsBateman
SHB 1171Child support withholdingS Law & JusticeWalen
HB 1192Technical correctionsH Rules RGoodman
SHB 1197Health care decisionsH Rules RRiccelli
SHB 1202Police misconduct/civil rem.H AppropsThai
SHB 1209Nonmedical assist. immunityH Rules RBronoske
SHB 1219Youth counsel/dependencyH AppropsFrame
SHB 1283Criminal mischief/weaponsH Rules RSenn
SHB 1294Misdemeanant supervisionH Rules RGoodman
SHB 1314Veteran diversion/invol commH Rules RYoung
SHB 1320Civil protection ordersH CRJDPSGoodman
SHB 1341Professional rescue doctrineH Rules RBronoske
HB 1376Registration of land titlesH Rules RFey
SHB 1412Legal financial obligationsH AppropsSimmons
SHB 1416Insurers/child support coll.H Rules RWalen
HB 1482Common interest/foreclosureH Rules RWalsh
HB 1525Enforcement of judgmentsH Rules RWalen

Most bills – Goodman & Walen (Tie – 3)

College & Workforce Development (8 bills)

SHB 1033Employment training programH FinanceLeavitt
SHB 1044Prison to postsecondary ed.H AppropsLeavitt
HB 1051Board of regents/facultyH Rules RPollet
HB 1119Low-cost course material/bacH Passed 3rdJacobsen
SHB 1425CTC student scholarshipsH Rules RTaylor
SHB 1468CTC student mental healthH AppropsSlatter
SHB 1472Student ach council/graduateH Rules RSlatter
SHB 1504Workforce ed. investment actH CWDDPSChopp

Most bills: Leavitt & Slatter (Tie – 2)

Commerce & Gaming (10 bills)

SHB 1011Liquor license renewal datesH AppropsMacEwen
SHB 1019Residential marijuana ag.H AppropsKloba
HB 1022Horse racing commissionH Rules RMacEwen
SHB 1210Cannabis terminologyH Rules RMorgan
HB 1289Winery workforce developmentH Rules RChambers
SHB 1359Liquor license feesH AppropsStonier
SHB 1443Cannabis industry/equityH COGDPSMorgan
HB 1469Enhanced raffle proceduresH Rules RWicks
SHB 1480Liquor licensee privilegesH COGDPSMacEwen
SHB 1483Beverage alcohol/workforceH COGDPSChambers

Most bills: MacEwen (3)

Community & Economic Development (9 bills)

SHB 1147Office of resiliencyH AppropsRyu
SHB 1170ManufacturingH AppropsBoehnke
SHB 1173State lands development authH Cap BudgetBerry
HB 1259Women & minority contractingH AppropsSantos
SHB 1263Rural infrastructureH Cap BudgetAbbarno
SHB 1336Public telecomm. serviceH Rules RHansen
SHB 1340Pandemic task forceH AppropsLovick
SHB 1456Main street prg staffingH AppropsRule
HB 1471Community preservation auth.H Rules RSantos

Most bills: Santos (2)

Consumer Protection & Business (8 bills)

SHB 1015Equitable access to creditH FinanceMaycumber
SHB 1037Insurance adjustersS Business, FinanKirby
EHB 1049Off-site delivery of vehicleS Business, FinaKirby
SHB 1064Seller’s disclosure/internetS Business, FinanEslick
HB 1165Credit union actS Business, FinanRyu
HB 1351Insurance/credit exceptionsH Rules RKirby
HB 1399Prof. licensure/convictionsH CPBDPVick
SHB 1424Sale of dogs and catsH CPBDPSWalen

Most bills: Kirby (3)

Education (20 bills)

SHB 1028Residency teacher cert.H AppropsBergquist
SHB 1113School attendanceH Rules ROrtiz-Self
EHB 1121Graduation reqs/emergencyS 2nd ReadingSantos
EHB 1131Private schools/waiverS 2nd ReadingRude
SHB 1139Lead in drinking waterH AppropsPollet
SHB 1153Language access in schoolsH AppropsOrwall
SHB 1162High school graduationH Rules RStonier
SHB 1176Student fines and feesH Rules RPaul
SHB 1208Learning assistance programH AppropsSantos
SHB 1214K-12 safety & security serv.H AppropsSenn
SHB 1295Institutional ed./releaseH EDDPSCallan
SHB 1302College in the high schoolH Rules RBerg
SHB 1306School boards/bond trainingH EDDPSSells
SHB 1356Native American names, etc.H Rules RLekanoff
SHB 1363Secondary trauma/K-12H Rules ROrtiz-Self
SHB 1366In-person instructionH Rules RCaldier
SHB 1373Behavioral health/studentsH Rules RCallan
HB 1404Highly capable student prgs.H EDDPVick
SHB 1426K-12 continuing ed./equityH EDDPSantos
SHB 1484Building mapping systemH EDDPSDolan

Most bills: Santos (3)

Environment & Energy (16 bills)

2SHB 1050Fluorinated gasesH Rules RFitzgibbon
SHB 1053Carryout bagsH Rules CPeterson
SHB 1057Clean air act/enjoyment termH Rules RPollet
SHB 1075On-demand transp. emissionsH AppropsBerry
SHB 1084Building decarbonizationH AppropsRamel
2SHB 1091Transportation fuel/carbonH TransportationFitzgibbon
SHB 1099Comprehensive planningH AppropsDuerr
SHB 1114Urban heat island mitigationH Rules RDye
SHB 1117Comp. planning/salmonH AppropsLekanoff
SHB 1145Carryout bags/nonwood fiberH Rules RRude
SHB 1193Dredged material disposalH Rules RHoff
HB 1280Greenhouse gas/facilitiesH Cap BudgetRamel
SHB 1287Zero emissions transp.H TransportationRamel
HB 1393Photovoltaic module programH Rules RShewmake
SHB 1423Smoke management civil enf.H Rules RFitzgibbon
SHB 1446Utility acquisition targetsH ENVIDPSFey

Most bills: Ramel & Fitzgibbon (Tie – 3)

Health Care & Wellness (31 bills)

SHB 1007Supervised exp./distanceS Health & Long TKlippert
HB 1009Student health plansH Rules RThai
HB 1031Birth cert., stillbirthH Rules RWalen
SHB 1052Group insurance contractsS Health & Long TBateman
HB 1063Behav. health credentialsS Health & Long THarris
SHB 1074Fatality reviewsS Health & Long TPeterson
SHB 1086Behavioral health consumersH AppropsSimmons
HB 1096Nonmedicare plansH Rules RSchmick
HB 1105Medical use of cannabisH Rules RKloba
ESHB 1120Long-term services/emergencyS Health & Long TTharinger
SHB 1124Nurse delegation/glucoseS Health & Long TCody
SHB 1127COVID-19 health data privacyH AppropsSlatter
SHB 1129International medical gradsH Rules RValdez
SHB 1141Death w/ dignity act accessH Rules RRude
2SHB 1148Acute care hospitalsH Rules RCody
SHB 1152Comp health districtsH AppropsRiccelli
SHB 1160Health provider contractsH AppropsCody
SHB 1161Drug take-back programsH AppropsPeterson
SHB 1196Audio-only telemedicineH Rules RRiccelli
SHB 1218Long-term care residentsH Rules RBateman
SHB 1225School-based health centersH AppropsStonier
SHB 1272Health system transparencyH AppropsMacri
SHB 1276Diversion centers/EMSH Rules RBronoske
EHB 1311SUD apprenticeships/certsH Passed 3rdBronoske
SHB 1323Long-term services trustH Rules RTharinger
SHB 1348Incarcerated persons/medicalH AppropsDavis
HB 1378Medical assistantsH Rules RYbarra
SHB 1383Respiratory careH Rules RTaylor
SHB 1411Health care workforceH Rules RSimmons
SHB 1445Definition of compoundingH Rules RThai
HB 1477National 988 systemH FinanceOrwall

Most bills: Cody (3)

Housing, Human Services & Veterans (12 bills)

2SHB 1083Relocation assistanceH Rules RGregerson
SHB 1100Mobile home community salesH AppropsDuerr
HB 1122State guard retirement ageH Rules RLovick
SHB 1151Public assistanceH Rules RLeavitt
SHB 1181Veterans & military suicideH AppropsOrwall
HB 1183Home sharing support grantsH AppropsCaldier
SHB 1236Residential tenantsH Rules RMacri
SHB 1277Housing/revenue sourceH AppropsOrmsby
HB 1300Landlord damage claimsH Rules RThai
SHB 1421Utility service chargesH Rules RDufault
HB 1441Prospective tenants/COVID-19H Rules RMorgan
SHB 1515Security deposit waiver feesH HHSVDPSPeterson

Most bills: N/A

Labor & Workplace Standards (9 bills)

SHB 1073Paid leave coverageH AppropsBerry
SHB 1076Workplace violations/qui tamH AppropsHansen
HB 1087Family/med leave continuityS Labor, Comm & TBerry
SHB 1097Worker protectionsH AppropsSells
SHB 1206Temporary workersH Rules RBerry
HB 1486Unemployment/voluntaryH Rules RBerry
SHB 1487Unemployment ins. systemH Rules RBronoske
SHB 1492Unempl. extended benefitsH Rules RSells
SHB 1493Job search monitoringH Rules RSells

Most bills: Berry (4)

Local Government (15 bills)

ESHB 1056Public meetings/emergenciesS State Govt & ElPollet
SHB 1059Fireworks prohibitionsH Rules RFitzgibbon
2SHB 1069Local gov fiscal flexibilityH Rules RPollet
SHB 1128Housing benefit districtsH FinanceRyu
SHB 1157Housing supplyH LGDPSBateman
HB 1159Fire district comm’r, numberS Housing & LocalBerg
SHB 1184Risk-based water standardsH Rules RDuerr
SHB 1220Emergency shelters & housingH AppropsPeterson
SHB 1233Intensive rural developmentH LGDPSBarkis
SHB 1241Growth management act plansH Rules RDuerr
SHB 1258Microenterprise home kitchenH AppropsFrame
HB 1271County officials/continuityH Rules ROrwall
SHB 1326Coroners & medical examinersH Rules RLekanoff
SHB 1331Early learning impact feesH Rules RHarris-Talley
SHB 1335Racial restrictions/reviewH AppropsValdez

Most bills: Pollet, Barkis, Duerr (Tie – 2)

Public Safety (17 bills)

SHB 1054Peace officer tactics, equipH Rules RJohnson, J.
HB 1071Bias-based criminal offensesH 2nd ReadingValdez
E2SHB 1089Law enforcement auditsS Law & JusticeRamos
HB 1090Private detention facilitiesH Rules ROrtiz-Self
2SHB 1092Law enforcement dataH Rules RLovick
SHB 1109Victims of sexual assaultH Rules ROrwall
2SHB 1126Community custody tollingH Rules RGoodman
SHB 1169Sentencing enhancementsH AppropsGoodman
SHB 1203Community oversight boardsH AppropsJohnson, J.
HB 1223Custodial interrogationsH TransportationPeterson
HB 1262Officer background checksH Rules RKlippert
SHB 1267Police use of forceH AppropsEntenman
SHB 1282Earned timeH AppropsSimmons
HB 1307Drug offense sentencingH AppropsHackney
SHB 1310Uses of force by officersH AppropsJohnson, J.
HB 1413Prior juvenile offensesH PSDPHackney
SHB 1499Sub. use disorder/healthH PSDPSDavis

Most bills: Johnson (3)

Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources (16 bills)

HB 1055Timber purchase reportingS Ag/Water/NaturaBerg
HB 1143Trust water rights programH Rules RRude
HB 1168Long-term forest healthH AppropsSpringer
HB 1172Tribal fishing rightsH Rules RLekanoff
EHB 1199DNR lease terminationH Passed 3rdCorry
SHB 1216Urban and community forestryH AppropsRamos
HB 1261Wildlife harvest reportsH Rules RKlippert
SHB 1355Noxious weedsH AppropsDent
SHB 1382Salmon recovery projectsH AppropsTharinger
SHB 1395Equity in farmingH AppropsMorgan
HB 1430State upland leasesH Cap BudgetKloba
SHB 1431Fishing & shellfishing/youthH AppropsRule
HB 1437Vessel crewmember licenseH Rules RMacEwen
HB 1478Fish habitat projectsH Rules RShewmake
HB 1491Transport of timber, etc.H Rules ROrcutt
SHB 1508Shellfish sanitary controlH Rules RChapman

Most bills: NA

State Government & Tribal Relations (13 bills)

SHB 1016JuneteenthH Rules RMorgan
SHB 1041Sunshine committee/juvenilesH Rules RSpringer
HB 1067State dinosaurH Rules RMorgan
SHB 1068Election security/PRAH Rules RDolan
SHB 1078Voter eligibility/felonyH Rules RSimmons
SHB 1156Local electionsH AppropsHarris-Talley
SHB 1250Purple heart stateH AppropsOrcutt
SHB 1264Equity impact statementH AppropsThai
SHB 1274Cloud computing solutionsH SGOVDPSHackney
HB 1328Disease control info./PRAH Rules RPollet
HB 1357Voters’ pamphlets overseasH AppropsMosbrucker
SHB 1372Statuary hall/Billy Frank JrH AppropsLekanoff
SHB 1453Voters’ pamphletsH Rules RBergquist

Most bills: Morgan (2)


Total bills passed in executive session: 247

Most bills over all: Kuderer (14)

Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks (21 bills)

SSB 5045Meat & poultry inspectionS Ways & MeansWarnick
SB 5058Natural resources accountsS Rules 2Rolfes
SB 5063Invasive species council expS Ways & MeansHoneyford
SB 5145Seabed mining/hard mineralsS Rules 2Van De Wege
SB 5146Fish and wildlife/indemnifyS Rules 2Van De Wege
SB 5158Utility wildland fire cmte.S Ways & MeansHawkins
SB 5159WDFW payments/property taxS Ways & MeansWarnick
SB 5201DNR timber & land salesS 2nd RdConsCalVan De Wege
SB 5220Salmon recovery grants/taxS Ways & MeansVan De Wege
SSB 5230Groundwater agreementsS Rules 2Dozier
SSB 5253Pollinator healthS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5273Shoreline armoringS 2nd ReadingSalomon
SB 5300Feeding of garbage to swineS Rules 2Van De Wege
SSB 5317Pesticide registrationS Ways & MeansWarnick
SSB 5318Fertilizer feesS Rules 2Warnick
SSB 5330Commercial whale watchingS Rules 2Van De Wege
SSB 5362Agricultural fair fundingS Ways & MeansMcCune
SB 5372Hemp processor registrationS Rules 2Stanford
SSB 5404Pinnipeds & orcasS Ways & MeansRivers
SSB 5411Northern spotted owl forestsS Ways & MeansStanford
SSB 5421Salmon fisheries disputesS Ways & MeansMcCune

Most bills: Van De Wege (6)

Behavioral Health Subcommittee to Health & Long Term Care (11 bills)

SSB 5071Civil commitment transitionS Ways & MeansDhingra
SSB 5073Involuntary commitmentH Civil R & JudiDhingra
SSB 5074Safe station pilot programsS Rules 2Wagoner
SSB 5157Behavioral disorders/justiceH HC/WellnessWagoner
SSB 5195Opioid overdose medicationS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5210Comp. restoration ordersS Rules 2Dhingra
SSB 5236Certificate of need exempt.S 2nd ReadingWarnick
SSB 5327Youth safety tip lineS Ways & MeansBrown
SB 5328Mental illness/clubhousesS Ways & MeansLovelett
SSB 5370Mental health av. directivesS Rules 2Keiser
SSB 5412Supportive relationshipsS Rules 2Warnick

Most bills: Dhingra (3)

Business, Financial Services & Trade (12 bills)

SSB 5010Credit score/insurance ratesS Rules 2Das
SSB 5029Investment project tax defs.S Ways & MeansHoneyford
SB 5048Reinsurance agreementsH ConsPro&BusMullet
SB 5077Mortgage loan originatorsH ConsPro&BusDozier
SB 5106Municipal financial servicesS 2nd ReadingLiias
SB 5175Economic revitalization bdS Ways & MeansNguyen
SSB 5188Public financial cooperativeS Ways & MeansKuderer
SSB 5211Tax increment financingS Ways & MeansFrockt
SB 5262Data center tax incentiveS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5315Captive insuranceS Ways & MeansMullet
SSB 5378Real estate broker renewalS Ways & MeansDas
SJM 8004De-risking/financial inst.S Rules 2Hasegawa

Most bills: Mullet, Liias, Das (Tie – 3)

Early Learning & K-12 Education (25 bills)

EHB 1121Graduation reqs/emergencyS 2nd ReadingSantos
EHB 1131Private schools/waiverS 2nd ReadingRude
SB 5017School district procurementS 2nd RdConsCalWellman
SB 5023Child care/unemploymentS Ways & MeansWilson, C.
SSB 5030School counseling programsS Rules 2Mullet
SB 5043School employee housingS Ways & MeansSalomon
ESSB 5044Schools/equity trainingH EducationDas
2SSB 5128Student transportation fundsS Rules 2Wellman
SSB 5136Child care license feesS Ways & MeansWilson, C.
SSB 5147School year/learning lossS Ways & MeansHawkins
SB 5151Foster care & child careS Ways & MeansWilson, C.
SB 5161Teaching tribal history, etcS Rules 2Wellman
SSB 5181Low-income school districtsS 2nd ReadingHoneyford
SB 5184K-12 foster care contactH EducationNobles
SB 5202School depreciation subfundsS Rules 2Schoesler
SSB 5237Child care & early dev. exp.S Ways & MeansWilson, C.
SB 5242Media literacy & digital citS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5249Mastery-based learningS Ways & MeansWellman
SSB 5265Bridge year pilot programS Ways & MeansHunt
SB 5299Computer science/HS grad.S Rules 2Wellman
SSB 5340School board director qualifS Rules 2Salomon
SSB 5376Education ombuds awarenessS Rules 2Wilson, C.
SB 5386School district electionsS Ways & MeansRandall
SB 5389Computer science teachingS Ways & MeansWellman
SJR 8204School district bond votingS Ways & MeansRandall

Most bills: Wellman (6)

Environment, Energy & Technology (12 bills)

SSB 5000Hydrogen/electric vehiclesS Ways & MeansHawkins
SB 5008BPA ratepayer assist/B&O taxS Ways & MeansRobinson
SSB 5022Recycling, waste, & litterS Ways & MeansDas
SB 5040State highway litter controlS TransportationFortunato
SSB 5062DataS Ways & MeansCarlyle
SSB 5125Dredged material disposalS Rules 2Cleveland
SSB 5141Env. justice task force recsS Ways & MeansSaldaña
SSB 5174Wind turbine blade recyclingS Ways & MeansWilson, J.
SSB 5295Gas & electrical ratesS Rules 2Carlyle
SB 5345Industrial waste programS Ways & MeansBrown
SSB 5383PUD telecomm. servicesS Ways & MeansWellman
SSB 5432Cybersecurity/state gov.S Rules 2Carlyle

Most bills: Carlyle (3)

Health & Long Term Care (27 bills)

SSB 5003Living organ donorsS Rules 2Keiser
SB 5018Acupuncture and Eastern med.S 2nd ReadingRivers
SSB 5020Rx drug price increasesS Ways & MeansKeiser
SSB 5052Health equity zonesS Ways & MeansKeiser
SB 5068Postpartum period/MedicaidS Ways & MeansRandall
SB 5124Colon hydrotherapyS Rules 2Cleveland
SSB 5140Pregnancy & miscarriage careS 2nd ReadingKuderer
SSB 5149Found. public health fundingS Ways & MeansRobinson
SSB 5169Provider PPE reimbursementH HC/WellnessFrockt
SSB 5178Health care waiversS Rules 2Cleveland
SSB 5179Blood donationS Rules 2Liias
SSB 5203Generic prescription drugsS Ways & MeansVan De Wege
SSB 5229Health equity continuing ed.S 2nd ReadingRandall
SB 5246Medicaid primary care reimb.S Ways & MeansRandall
SB 5258Consumer directed employersS Ways & MeansCleveland
SSB 5268Dev. disability servicesS Ways & MeansKeiser
SSB 5292Parks Rx pilot programS Rules 2Nobles
SSB 5294Long-term care/epidemicsS Ways & MeansCleveland
SSB 5302PPE vendor databaseS Ways & MeansCleveland
SSB 5311Skilled nursing/medicaidS Ways & MeansRivers
SSB 5313Health ins. discriminationS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5325TelemedicineS Ways & MeansMuzzall
SSB 5377Standardized health plansS Ways & MeansFrockt
SSB 5399Universal health care comm’nS Ways & MeansRandall
SSB 5420Hospital data reportingS Ways & MeansMuzzall
SSB 5423Telemedicine consultationsS 2nd ReadingRivers
SSB 5441Breast implant surgeryS Rules 2Wellman

Most bills: Cleveland (5)

Higher Education & Workforce Development (9 bills)

SSB 5194Comm. & technical collegesS Ways & MeansLiias
SB 5215College grant award maximumS Ways & MeansConway
SSB 5227Diversity, etc./higher ed.S Ways & MeansRandall
SSB 5228Medical training/equityS Ways & MeansRandall
SSB 5288Opportunity scholarship progS Rules 2Liias
SSB 5321College bound scholarshipS Ways & MeansNobles
SSB 5401CTC computer science degreesS Ways & MeansNguyen
SB 5430Advanced tuition payment prgS Rules 2Mullet
SB 5431Leg. internship scholarshipS Ways & MeansRandall

Most bills: Randall (3)

Housing & Local Government (26 bills)

SB 5006Local parks funding optionsS Ways & MeansVan De Wege
SSB 5012Affordable housing fundingS Ways & MeansLovelett
SB 5019Recording standards comm’nS Ways & MeansKuderer
SB 5026Cargo handling equipmentS 2nd ReadingSalomon
SSB 5033Accessory dwelling units/taxS Ways & MeansKuderer
SB 5042GMA actions effective dateS 2nd ReadingSalomon
SSB 5079Mobile home closure noticesS Rules 2Das
SSB 5160Landlord-tenant relationsS Ways & MeansKuderer
SSB 5189American dream homesS Ways & MeansFortunato
SB 5198Ambulances in rural areasH HC/WellnessSchoesler
SSB 5235Housing options & limitsS Rules 2Liias
SSB 5260Eviction res. pilot/reportsS Rules 2Kuderer
SSB 5269Increased building capacityS Ways & MeansDas
SSB 5275Intense rural dev. areasS Rules 2Short
SSB 5287Afford. housing incentivesS Ways & MeansDas
SB 5312Transit-oriented developmentS 2nd RdConsCalMullet
SB 5338Fire districts/educationS 2nd RdConsCalWilson, L.
SB 5341Local sales tax usesS 2nd ReadingWilson, J.
SSB 5342Irrigation dist. electionsS Rules 2Schoesler
SB 5356Public works/biddingS Rules 2Short
SSB 5368Rural economic developmentS Ways & MeansShort
SSB 5375Low-income housing assist.S Ways & MeansWarnick
SSB 5380Building permit approvalS Ways & MeansFortunato
SSB 5390Housing supplyS Ways & MeansLiias
SSB 5396Farmworker housing/taxS Ways & MeansLovelett
SSB 5428SEPA/shelters & encampmentsS Rules 2Nguyen

Most bills: Kuderer (4)

Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation (17 bills)

SSB 5117Rental voucher/incarcerationS Ways & MeansNguyen
SSB 5118ReentryS Ways & MeansDarneille
SSB 5119Individuals in custodyS Ways & MeansDarneille
SSB 5120Criminal sentencing of youthS Rules 2Darneille
ESSB 5121Graduated reentry programH Public SafetyDarneille
SSB 5122Juvenile court jurisdictionS Rules 2Darneille
SSB 5123Sexual offenses by youthS Rules 2Darneille
SSB 5129Vapor & tobacco/minorsS Rules 2Saldaña
SSB 5163Conditionally released SVPsS Ways & MeansRolfes
SSB 5183Nonfatal strangulationS Ways & MeansNobles
SSB 5214Economic assistance programsS Ways & MeansNguyen
SSB 5241Economic inclusionS Ways & MeansDhingra
SSB 5245Safety of crime victimsS Ways & MeansBrown
SB 5248Jail standards task forceS Ways & MeansDarneille
SSB 5304Reentry servicesS Ways & MeansWilson, C.
SSB 5331Early childhood court prgS Ways & MeansGildon
SSB 5358Hard-to-place job seekersS Ways & MeansGildon

Most bills: Darneille (7)

Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs (30 bills)

SB 5046Worker comp claim agreementsH Labor & WorkplaConway
SSB 5049Low-proof beverages/taxS Rules 2King
SSB 5055Law enforcement grievancesS 2nd ReadingNguyen
ESSB 5061Unemployment insuranceC 2 L 21Keiser
SSB 5064Unemployment/voluntaryS Rules 2Saldaña
SSB 5065Railroad workersS Rules 2Kuderer
SSB 5097Paid leave coverageS Rules 2Robinson
SSB 5102Workers’ comp medical examS Ways & MeansStanford
SSB 5115Health emergency/laborS Rules 2Keiser
SSB 5130Personnel files & disciplineS Rules 2Kuderer
SB 5133Confidential employeesS Rules 2Conway
SSB 5137Workers’ comp COL adjustmentS Rules 2King
SSB 5172Overtime claim retroactivityS Rules 2King
SSB 5190Health care workers/benefitsS Rules 2Holy
SSB 5193Unemployment ins. systemS Rules 2Conway
SSB 5254Protective devices/healthS Rules 2Salomon
SB 5266Products sold to adults 21+S Health & LongKuderer
SSB 5267Electrical work/flippingS Rules 2Saldaña
ESSB 5272Liquor & cannabis board feesH AppropsRolfes
SSB 5284Subminimum wage/disabilitiesS 2nd ReadingRandall
SSB 5333Public works contracts/COVIDS Ways & MeansHoly
SSB 5355Wage liensS Rules 2Conway
SB 5364Equine industry supportS Ways & MeansFortunato
SSB 5384Volunteer firefightersS Rules 2Warnick
SB 5385Municipal airports/laborS Rules 2Keiser
SB 5410Enhanced raffle proceduresS Rules 2Stanford
SSB 5417Liquor licensee privilegesS Ways & MeansKing
SSB 5425Unempl. extended benefitsS Rules 2Stanford
SSB 5427Job search monitoringS Rules 2King
SSB 5436Law enf. ombuds/bargainingS Rules 2Billig

Most bills: King (6)

Law & Justice (37 bills)

SB 5005Business corporationsH Civil R & JudiPedersen
SSB 5009Public expression protectionS Rules 2Padden
SSB 5011Electronic meetings/HOA, etcH Civil R & JudiPedersen
ESSB 5024Condominium constructionH Civil R & JudiPadden
SSB 5025Consumer protection actS Rules 2Rolfes
SB 5027Television closed captionsH Civil R & JudiPadden
SSB 5034Nonprofit corporationsH Civil R & JudiPedersen
SSB 5035Drug offender scoringS Rules 2Dhingra
SSB 5036Total confinement releaseS Ways & MeansDhingra
SSB 5038Open carry of weaponsS Rules 2Kuderer
SSB 5051Peace & corrections officersS Ways & MeansPedersen
SB 5054Impaired drivingS Ways & MeansPadden
SSB 5059Monument protectionS Rules 2McCune
SSB 5066Officer duty to interveneS Rules 2Dhingra
SSB 5078Firearm safetyS Rules 2Liias
SSB 5089Peace officer hiring & cert.S Rules 2Kuderer
SSB 5127Courthouse facility dogsS Rules 2Dhingra
SB 5132Trusts and estatesH Civil R & JudiPedersen
SB 5135Unlawfully summoning policeS Rules 2Das
SSB 5148Election official harassmentS Rules 2Frockt
SSB 5155Prejudgment interestS Ways & MeansKuderer
SB 5164Persistent offenders/robberyS Rules 2Darneille
SB 5177Sex offenses/nonmarriageS 2nd RdConsCalCleveland
SSB 5180Vacating certain convictionsS Rules 2Dhingra
SSB 5185Health care consentS 2nd ReadingPedersen
SSB 5191Business practices/emergencyS Rules 2Darneille
SB 5225Direct appeals/APA, land useS Rules 2Hunt
SSB 5226License suspensions/trafficS Rules 2Salomon
SB 5255Dissolution/doc. languageS Ways & MeansWellman
SSB 5259Law enforcement dataS Ways & MeansNobles
SSB 5263Personal injury defensesS Rules 2Frockt
SSB 5271Health care injury/COVID-19S Rules 2Wagoner
SSB 5293Mental health sentencing altS Ways & MeansNobles
SB 5347Cooperatives/member votingS 2nd RdConsCalPadden
SSB 5353Law enf community engagementS Ways & MeansConway
SSB 5361Drug offenses/resentencingS Rules 2McCune
SSB 5408Homestead exemptionS Rules 2Stanford

Most bills: Pedersen (6)

State Government & Elections (20 bills)

SB 5002State auditorS Rules 2Hunt
SSB 5013Local redistricting deadlineH State Govt & TrHunt
SB 5014Odd-numbered year ballotsS Rules 2Hunt
SB 5015Fraudulent ballot drop boxesS Rules 2Hunt
SB 5032Alt public works contractingH Cap BudgetHasegawa
SB 5082Productivity boardS Ways & MeansFortunato
SB 5101Emerg. mgmt. council/tribesS Rules 2Stanford
SSB 5105Office of equity task forceS Ways & MeansHasegawa
SSB 5116Procurement/automated systemS Ways & MeansHasegawa
SB 5131County clerks/recallS Rules 2Holy
SSB 5170Employment after public servS Rules 2Carlyle
SSB 5182Advisory votesS Rules 2Kuderer
SB 5196Special legislative sessionsS Rules 2Billig
SB 5264Chinese American historyS Rules 2Wagoner
SB 5291Defense compatibility reportS Rules 2Conway
SB 5303FDA nonpublic informationS Rules 2Hunt
SSB 5395State resources/remote workS Ways & MeansHunt
SSB 5403System improvement teamS Rules 2Wellman
SB 5405JLARC racial equity analysesS Ways & MeansHasegawa
SJM 8002Campaign finance reformS Rules 2Kuderer

Most bills: Hunt (6)

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