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Lower bridge tolls in time for Election Day

The payoff of one of this year’s more entertaining election-year ploys happened this week when the price of driving a car across the Tacoma Narrows...Read More

Inslee’s unintentionally stealth Nordic trip

I spent the last couple of weeks kinda-sorta keeping track of things from one of the more remote corners of Europe, so I largely missed...Read More

Firehose of cash flows through surplus loophole

Campaign cash is just gushing through the Legislature’s surplus-funds loophole this month. Since the Aug. 3 primary, more than $2.3 million has moved from prominent...Read More

Takeaways from the primary

In last week’s Morning Wire, we reserved the right to be wrong because of Washington’s uniquely late-breaking election results. We might need that reservation if...Read More

The Sunday Observer: An initiative strategy from the right for sweeping change

We’re hearing from operatives on both sides of the aisle that this is likely to be a big year for Republican candidates for the Legislature,...Read More

Weed industry gears up to fight new tax in Seattle

It looks like the weed industry is gearing up to fight a potential new tax on its products in the city of Seattle. A new...Read More

Washington advances in push for early Democratic presidential primary

The Washington State Democratic Party is a finalist for one of the early dates on the 2024 presidential primary calendar. Per a news release from...Read More

The Sunday Observer: More on the folding of the capital gains tax repeal initiative

In a highly unusual move, the most high-profile ballot initiative campaign in Washington this year, the challenge to the capital gains tax, quietly folded last...Read More

Capital gains tax repeal campaign folds

The ballot initiative campaign to repeal Washington’s capital gains tax has quietly folded for the year.  A spokesman for Repeal the Capital Gain Income Tax,...Read More

A bloodless victory in Eastern Washington

If you think of politics as a kind of permanent war without actual bloodshed, then the most famous line from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of...Read More