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May Day In Olympia

Sporadic rain resulted in a smaller turnout than expected, but unlike what happened in Seattle, Olympia saw a relatively peaceful May Day demonstration.

Occupy Olympia helped organize the celebration and focused on two goals. One was to gather 2,400 petition signatures in 24 hours for the Thurston Public Power Initiative. It explains, “The initiative allows the people of Thurston County to vote in November for the Thurston Public Utility District to take back our energy future from the foreign-owned corporation Puget Sound Energy.”  A second goal was to picket the “Wall Street banks” — in Olympia.

Here, demonstrators find a way to do it — by picketing the Chase branch on Capitol Way. But it should be noted they were respectful and were quick to assist pedestrians who needed to pass under the yellow police tape.  Said one, whenever Americans have not been heard, they have taken to the streets to seek change.

In Seattle there was significant property damage and a few arrests. Many ask the usual questions: Will there be more arrests? Will the courts offer more than just a slap on the wrist? And how many will make money from litigation against the City?

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